The Blast Sept. 2021 Issue No. 4

The Blast Sept. 2021 Issue No. 4


BBR is looking to expand our Board! If you know a community member or medical professional in the OB/GYN field that would be interested in joining us, please have them send an email to We have quarterly zoom meetings and it’s a great group to be involved with. 

In this newsletter you will hear from Dr. Donna Neale, Director, Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Howard County General Hospital talking about being pregnant in Covid times and a heartfelt memory from a past caller who got a BBR grant.

Last, but not least, we are about to enter that holiday giving time of year. We ask that you consider a donation to our Maternal 

Assistance Fund that offers $500 grants to women who are losing an income due to a high-risk pregnancy. To date, we have given out approximately $75,000 to help moms pay a bill for rent, utilities, car payments, insurance and medical bills. Every penny helps. You can make a donation on our website

Wishing you and your families wonderful fall and please stay safe and healthy out there.

Joanie Reisfeld


Better BedRest, Inc


My name is Paige and I am from Louisiana. In 2011, I found out that I was pregnant and to my surprise I was pregnant with triplets. It was a surprise and a shock because this is rare without the use of fertility drugs. My doctors told me that I would have to be on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. I started to research and read about how to cope with bed rest because I am a very active person. I had no support or anyone who could understand my situation. When

I felt under pressure from the situation, I came across Better BedRest. I began corresponding with them and they provided the emotional support I needed. Not only did they provide me with that love and understanding, but Better BedRest offered to assist financially. Better BedRest was my godsend. I know that this organization is a blessing and will continue to be a blessing to all the women who are in need.

(l to r) Brylee, Braylon, Brylon

(l to r) Brylee, Braylon, Brylon today


Pregnancy during Covid 19 – Is it possible?  Is it safe?

Donna M. Neale MD

The SARS-COV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is the strain of coronavirus that causes COVID 19 infections.  Other viruses such as Ebola, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) are much deadlier than SARS -COV2, killing 50%, 10% and up to 40%, respectively, of those infected.  So, why is COVID 19 so dangerous?  First, this virus has never been seen in humans before. This means that NO ONE in the world had immunity to the virus when it first started in 2020.  Secondly, the virus spreads easily from one person to another and thirdly, it infects the upper and lower respiratory tracts.  The upper respiratory tract includes the mouth and the nose. Therefore, the virus can be spread thru coughing, sneezing, huffing, puffing, singing and even talking loudly.  Plus, an infected person can show no symptoms for days yet be spreading the virus.  Moreover, an infected person can remain asymptomatic for the entire time that he/she is spreading the virus. Lastly, the SARS-COV-2 virus is very sticky.  In fact, it is much stickier than the SARS 1 virus. This sticky property literally allows the virus to quickly attach to cells, stay attached to cells and quickly spread throughout the body. The combination of all of these things makes the novel SARS-COV2 virus very dangerous for us. With this background, let us discuss whether it is possible to have a safe and successful pregnancy during the COVID 19 pandemic.

First, there is no direct effect of the virus on the pregnancy.  Women who become infected with COVID 19 during their pregnancy do not have an increased risk of poor pregnancy outcome.  However, it is very clear from the data that pregnant women who develop COVID 19 are more at risk for hospitalization, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and death than their non pregnant counterpart. Those women who require hospitalization may get so ill that they require a preterm delivery.  So, there have been reports of increased preterm births with COVID 19 infections but these preterm deliveries are indicated (to improve maternal outcome) versus a spontaneous preterm birth (an early birth that happens because labor starts too soon).

So, how do pregnant women keep themselves safe?  Get vaccinated.

Although none of the original COVID vaccine trials included pregnant women, the CDC has followed almost 4,000 women who received the vaccine throughout different points in pregnancy – 1st trimester; 2nd trimester; 3rd trimester and no adverse pregnancy outcomes or short term neonatal outcomes have been observed.  There were no increased pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, small for gestational aged baby, birth defects or neonatal deaths.  Moreover, and equally important, COVID 19 antibodies have been identified in the cord blood samples and breastmilk after vaccination which indicates passive immunity of the newborn.  Thus, the newborns have some protection from COVID 19 after the mother has been vaccinated. In addition, no decrease in pregnancy rates have been observed in women who have been vaccinated, which refutes the claim that the COVID 19 vaccine is linked with infertility.  

Because pregnant women infected with COVID 19 tend to get sicker than their nonpregnant counterparts – more chance of ICU admission, intubation and death, and to date, there is no evidence of poor pregnancy outcomes after vaccination, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine both advocate for pregnant women to receive the COVID 19 vaccine.   For those women who do not want to get vaccinated, we are encouraging them to be vigilant with mask use, social distancing and hand washing protocols.  These interventions are very effective; they kept us safe before a vaccine was available.  Plus, every pregnant woman should receive the Flu vaccine during flu season, which is typically October – March.  The Flu vaccine protects against the flu not COVID 19.  But, it is well documented that pregnant women with the Flu can get very ill.  So, the combination of the Flu plus COVID 19 puts the pregnant patient at high risk for respiratory failure.

It is very important that your medical care not be interrupted during the pandemic. We recognize that patients want to minimalize their potential exposure to the virus.  Some visits can be done via telemedicine. Inquire about this with your provider.  Consider trying to bundle medical appointments. For example, consider having your blood drawn or your ultrasound on the same day as your prenatal appointment.  Inquire with your provider about their COVID 19 cleaning protocols and visitor policies.  It is important that you feel comfortable during your visits.  Plus, there may be times that you need an unscheduled visit with your provider.  If you ever experience vaginal bleeding, change in fetal movement (once you’re able to feel it), water breakage, contractions before 36 weeks of gestation, burning when you pass your urine, fever, headache that is unusual for you or is unresponsive to Tylenol, blurry vision, spots in front of your eyes, nausea/vomiting, pain under your right breast, these all may be examples of obstetrical emergencies that warrant a call to your provider.  Plus, a fever, shortness of breath, cough, heart palpitations, sore throat, loss of taste or smell may all be signs of a COVID 19 infection.  Please notify your provider if you have of these symptoms, been exposed to anyone with these symptoms or known COVID 19 infection or have new symptoms of any kind.  There is very effective treatment for COVID 19 infection during pregnancy.

Lastly, become familiar with your delivering hospital COVID 19 protocols, such as whether your husband can come with you to Labor and Delivery, can other family members (your other children) come too, will you have a COVID 19 test when you come to Labor and Delivery.  The more prepared you are in terms of these things, the more your expectations will be aligned with the reality of what happens in the hospital and you will be able to enjoy your labor and delivery experience.

So, although the COVID 19 pandemic is not over, a woman can have a safe and successful pregnancy. Call your provider if you develop any symptoms of COVID 19.   Get vaccinated; stay masked, maintain social distancing at home, work and play, practice vigorous handwashing, get your Flu vaccine, keep up with your prenatal visits, and Enjoy!


Labor of Love Full Circle

Better BedRest, Inc recently honored frontline workers for “Labor Day” in Labor & Delivery and Maternity floors at Holy Cross Hospital at Germantown, Howard County General Hospital and St. Agnes hospitals. We cannot thank the entire staff enough for their many hours of care “full circle” during these challenging times. The staff received Bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes, Columbia, Maryland! It was a sweet treat to help them enjoy their day. We want to thank Bryan and Alice Pax for working with us on this project!

Joanie Reisfeld (Better BedRest  founder) and Bryan Pax (owner)

St. Agnes MFM healthcare workers

The Blast



The Blast June 2021 Issue No. 3


If you read the last BBR Blast #2 you saw that Zach Reisfeld wrote about “Birth Stats” from his experience at birth./  We are happy to say his son Theo was born and Zach got a set of “new stats”! Theo was 7lb 8oz and 20.5 inches long! Zach and Cara are doing well!

BBR is so proud of our Maternal Assistance Fund. To date we have given out approximately $80,000! You will hear from one recipient in this issue. We pride ourselves with our service and the emotional support we offer. It is important that women know that they need 3 weekly calls before they are considered for a grant. We are not just about the money, although we realize this important need during this time. We are also about ongoing emotional support BBR provides until a woman delivers.

Today I want to highlight this wonderful resource. This organization has many online support groups and pregnant women are welcomed.

In this issue you will hear from Mary Lahood, MSW and BBR Board Member talk about the positive that has come from the pandemic in terms of mental health care. We have certainly heard a lot of negative, but some of the positive has created change.

Lastly, do you buy a lot on Amazon? Do you know you can support BBR with Amazon Smile? It is so easy to set up.

Go to your App store on your phone, just download Amazon Smile. It will ask you which charity you want to support. BBR will get a small percentage of your purchases. It does not work with your regular Amazon app. By getting the Amazon Smile app, it does not change anything with your account except what you designate as your charity. We hope you will consider!

Enjoy this issue and as always, thank you for your support.


Joanie Reisfeld

Founder, Better BedRest, Inc



Bed rest and pregnancy restrictions are rarely anticipated. Bed rest during a global pandemic? Well, that was not in the plan. We have all endured significant stress, trauma, and isolation this year. Study after study confirms that pregnant women have been among the most heavily impacted groups globally. Living through a pandemic with a high risk pregnancy has also meant solo trips to innumerable doctors’ appointments, stressful and highly anticipated ultrasound, stringent visitor restrictions on antepartum units, and emergency c-section and fast labors without a hand to hold. There are even more stringent visiting restrictions in NICU. Rates of prenatal (during pregnancy and to one year postpartum) mood and anxiety disorders have risen significantly. To learn more about mental health during and after pregnancy visit Postpartum Support International:

But, yes! We do seem to be coming out on the other side. There is one silver lining of sorts that we will happily bring with us into life post pandemic: the widespread availability of telemedicine.

Telemedicine, also referred to telehealth, is the use of technology to provide patient care remotely. Patients can use their tablet, smart phone or computer, to have a virtual “face to face” appointment with their provider.  It is covered by insurance (commercial plans and Medicaid), utilizes HIPPAA compliant platforms, and most importantly, removes barriers to care. Telemedicine is now quickly becoming the preferred avenue for treatment in mental health care. 

This is great news for women on bed rest! Being prescribed bed rest or pregnancy restrictions can feel like being dropped in a lake with a sturdy life vest and being told to hang in there for one to twenty weeks.  There is worry about not only the baby she carries, but also the welfare of her other children, separation from a partner, work related stress and job loss, and financial wellbeing. Women frequently feel isolated, and stress levels sky rocket. If a woman has prior mental health diagnoses, these symptoms may worsen. We know that high levels  of stress and symptoms of anxiety, and depression during pregnancy are correlated with a number of poor neonatal outcomes, including premature delivery and low birth weight.  For the health of the mom and her baby, women need support. Support groups, group therapy, and individual therapy can be a lifeline. There are now many virtual groups for pregnant women, but there is a vast need for groups specific  to women on bed rest. Stay tuned for updates! 

Mary Frances LaHood, MSW 


 Hasanjanzadeh, P., & Faramarzi, M. (2017). Relationship between Maternal General and Specific-Pregnancy Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms and Pregnancy Outcome. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 11(4), VC04–VC07.

In addition to support from Better Bedrest:

Perinatal Mental Health Provider Directory

Online Support Groups, Postpartum Support International:

Keep ‘Em Cookin Live Chat



Before I spoke with anyone from Better BedRest, I was on bed rest, in the hospital, away from my child, and away from work.  I received a paper letting me know about BBR from the staff social worker that explained how I could have someone call and chat with me from time to time, and could also help me with a small financial debt. Little did I know that I would connect with a woman that checked in on me as if she was my own mother.  She offered me advice, gave me personal feedback, and gave a me alternatives for keeping myself “busy” while I was in the hospital for month. She always made me feel listened to, and she was always interested in whatever I needed to talk about.  She checked in on me when I had the twins and even when I get home, which was truly sweet.   BBR was truly a blessing in helping me keep my sanity while alone in the hospital away from my daughter and my normal living situation. This organization is needed to keep hope and to help moms stay motivated while on bed rest and stay focused on the end goal.  The calls helped me remember that this hardship was just a moment and it will all be worth it in the end. Thank you Better BedRest!  I do nothing but speak your praises to my family.



I had a lot of hardships due to me being put on bed rest, but you guys have helped with that tremendously and I really appreciate it. You have been a big help!




If you are considering a donation to Better BedRest, you can visit our website at  or participate in Amazon Smile. See Founder’s Corner for details!


 Have a Great Summer!


The Better BedRest Blast





The Blast March 2021 Issue No. 2


Welcome to our 2nd issue of the Better BedRest Blast! It’s a wonderful way to connect with all of you!

Better BedRest had a good holiday season! We noticed this year, in addition to individual donations, we got donations from various Family Donor accounts as well as Family Foundations. This was wonderful. Some of these donors have arranged for BBR to get this donation each year. We invite you to consider this option.  BBR appreciates all the donations we get. Whether large or small, every penny counts.

We continue to work with 211MD for our partnership and encourage you all to learn more about 211. Did you know that 211 services all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada?  211 will connect you to essential community services. We are truly lucky to have this partnership. In this issue, you will find a letter from a past BBR maternal assistance (keep scrolling down)




















recipient. Also, the BBR baby is going to be a father! Check out Zach Reisfeld’s thoughts about this exciting event! Lastly, our board member, Dr. Erica Leventhal, will talk

about a newly developed pacifier that plays music! This sounds like so much fun!

We hope you are all doing well, staying safe and healthy. Let’s hope that by the next newsletter most of you have gotten vaccinated and are moving forward to end this pandemic..



 Joanie Reisfeld

 Founder, BBR


BBR Baby Is Having A Baby: “Birth Stats”

About 31 years ago I was born 10 weeks early at 2lbs 10oz, but many of you reading this will already know that fact. Growing up as the “Better BedRest Baby” makes it pretty hard to forget birth stats, or the fact that I almost didn’t make it at all. Now, 31 years later, I am about to have my own child. Everyone keeps asking if I am excited, nervous, or anxious, but it is hard to sum it up in one word. Coming from a high risk pregnancy and working with BBR for much of my life, I know how scary it can get. The risks and potential complications can be paralyzing. So, back to the question, “Am I excited?” The answer is simple: I am so ready to meet my son, but I won’t quite feel comfortable until I am holding him in my arms, introducing him to others by quoting his birth stats. 

For any current or prospective parents reading this, birth stats are fun, but once early childhood is done, maybe find new ways to introduce your child.

Zachary Reisfeld, Board Member, Better BedRest



I was in a rough place in my life and the staff at BBR were true blessings. It’s the small things that count when you feel you don’t know what to do, where to go, with no one to help and low on options. I was high risk while pregnant with no income.  I was late on bills, and stressed and depressed while pregnant. BBR gave me a $500 grant toward my BGE bill. It wasn’t just about the money but the generosity that they showed and how understanding they were. To know that it was sincere, was what I needed most. Not only do they help with paying specific bills, they also have resources/programs that help with finding jobs, getting food, etc. Anything that you’re unsure about or have questions about, they’re more than willing to help you find an answer. I’m very appreciative of the kind efforts BBR has made for me. I pray that any woman in a similar situation would contact BBR. 




Musical Pacifiers: a beneficial tool for Premature babies in the NICU

Babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit have many challenges. Premature infants are born too early to have a suck-swallow-breathe reflex.  In 2012, a professor of music therapy at Florida State University, Jayne Standley, developed a music triggering pacifier that provided positive reinforcement for the sucking reflex.  The pacifier is connected to a sensing cord wired to a specialized machine, manufactured by Powers Medical Devices, that senses the strength of the sucking motion and triggers a Lullaby.  This Pacifier-Activated Lullaby device (PAL) can be adjusted to play music for weaker suck initially then adjusted upwards to promote more vigorous feeding. The PAL stimulates more vigorous sucking in premature infants, especially those born having been exposed to dependent drugs in utero. These particular newborns with neonatal abstinence syndrome tend to be more irritable and agitated.  The sounds provide comfort and calm babies so they can rest and have more energy for feeding.   Studies have shown that newborns that use PAL ingest more nutrition and gain weight faster. The faster they grow the faster they can go home.

At Ascension Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, use of the PAL device was spearheaded in August 2019 by Kathy Goad, PhD, MSN, RNC, CCRN, Nurse Manager of the Maternal/Child Heath Division.  Kathy reports the NICU staff has used the PAL device with 15 babies.  In this group of newborns, the device has been shown to decrease length of hospitalization by 7 days, decrease the rate of readmission and decrease the need to send babies to assisted care facilities like Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital.  The use of the PAL device is very innovative as no other hospital in the State of Maryland is using it at this time.  Kathy is excited about their progress with the PAL device and she is looking forward to the continued treatment of babies in need of this form of  Music Therapy.

Erica J. Leventhal M.D. 

Medical Director

The Women’s OB-GYN Group

Seton Medical Group OB/GYN Assoc.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Holy Cross Hospital Project

In February, BBR honored women’s healthcare workers at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD for Valentine’s Day.  Once again, some of the folks from the Forest Knolls Knitting Club stepped up to create crocheted goodie bags for the staff.  The contents of the bags included candies, gum, tea, lip balm and hand lotion compliments of BBR.  The bags were delivered to Holy Cross on Feb. 12 and distributed to the staff as a show of support for their dedication to women’s healthcare. Special thanks to Sarah Walker, Manager of Volunteer Services at Holy Cross Health, for her help in coordinating this effort.

**If you are considering a donation to Better BedRest, you can visit our website at or participate in AmazonSmile. Shop at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to your favorite charitable organizations.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated!



Highlighting the Mental Health Association of Maryland Program for Pregnant and/or New Moms

Years ago I volunteered for the Montgomery County Mental Health Association Crisis Hotline. I know how valuable this organization is for so many people. In Maryland now they have the Healthy New Moms program. If you go to you can read more about what they do. They have a great list of support groups in the state for pregnant moms that I have listed below. Always nice to know these exist! If you know of a mom in need, please share! Also as you can see in this list many hospitals have resources for new moms as well. ~ Joanie

Here are several support groups in Maryland dedicated to helping pregnant and new moms with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders: (Please click Healthy New Moms above and go to What We Do >Outreach>Healthy New Moms>Get Help for the latest updated information)

  • Annapolis – Anne Arundel Medical Center | 443-481-6122 |
  • Annapolis – Heritage Baptist Church | Contact Amanda at |  Click here for further details.
  • Baltimore – Sinai Hospital | Contact 443-846-6287 *Effective March 2020, The Postpartum Support Group meetings will be held virtually/via video, until further notice. Please call Shelly Bray at 410-601-7832 or email for further information*
  • Baltimore – Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center | Contact 410-550-5362
  • Baltimore – Greater Baltimore Medical Center | Contact Lanny Dowell at 443-849-6287 or
  • Baltimore – Mercy Medical Center | Lactation Resource Center | 410-332-9060
  • Baltimore – The Womb Room | Meets every Tuesday evening
  • Elkton – Union Hospital | Contact
  • Fulton – Capital Women’s Care | Monday evenings at 7:30 PM | Contact Jennifer Riley, PSI Coordinator at | Click here for further details
  • Frederick – Frederick County Perinatal Mental Health Support Group | Contact Jessica Kent at 240-285-3785 or
  • Hagerstown – Women’s Health Center at Robinwood | Contact 240-217-5091 or
  • Olney – MedStar Montgomery Hospital | FREE but must register before attending | Contact 301-774-8881 and press 3
  • Silver Spring – Postpartum Depression Support Group | Holy Cross Resource Center | Contact 240-432-4497 or
  • Westminster – Tevis Center for Wellness at Carroll Hospital | Contact 410-871-7000 | If unable to attend a meeting, an OB navigator is available at 410-871-7403, Monday through Friday

Free Mental Health Support

From the Pro Bono Project in Maryland

 I would like to share some information on a free mental health resource for Marylanders who are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, and life transition concerns. The Pro Bono Counseling WARMLine is staffed by a licensed mental health professional, 10AM-6PM, Monday-Friday. Callers can connect to the WARMLine Specialist by calling 211 or directly calling 443-608-9182. The WARMLine is great for callers who are not sure if they want ongoing counseling, but want to talk to a licensed social worker about stressful situations. Callers who speak a language other than English will be immediately connected to an interpreter with the WARMLine Specialist.

OPC Alert Maryland – Utility Asst., Frozen Pipes and Legs Representation

Prevent frozen pipes: As we continue to move into winter months, it is important to protect your pipes from freezing temperatures. The Red Cross has created some tips on how to prevent water pipes from freezing and what to do if they do freeze.

DHS call center extends hours: Office of People’s Counsel (OPC) strongly encourages anyone who may be eligible for the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) to apply now and not wait for a turn-off notice.

There are a few ways you can apply:

1)      Go online and apply

2)     Call the DHS call center at 1-800-332-6347 and request an application be mailed to you. The call center has recently extended their hours.

         Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM and Saturday 9AM-4PM.

3)     Contact your local OHEP office to request an application be mailed to you. Some offices will allow clients to schedule an appointment or come to           the office to pick up an application. Call your local office for information on available services.

Fuel Fund of Maryland: The Fuel Fund of Maryland assists income eligible BGE customers with paying their utility bills after they complete OHEP. They have recently instituted some new rules that impact process and eligibility to effectively respond to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

1.      Waived the need for a turn off notice through 6/30/2021.

2.      Waived the need for seniors (age 60+) to complete OHEP before getting assistance from the Fuel Fund of Maryland through 6/30/2021. They will             mail the consumer an OHEP application as needed.

If someone is struggling with a utility bill, OPC encourages people to call their utility company and request a 12-month payment plan. For those that are OHEP certified, they are eligible for up to a 24-month payment plan.

Legal Representation: The Courtroom Advocacy Project (CAP) through the Probono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) provides free same-day representation for Failure to Pay Rent cases in Rent Court in Baltimore City as well as for some Consumer dockets in Baltimore City District Court and PG County District Court.  People can also contact PBRC for legal information and referrals related to evictions and illegal lockouts, repairs and escrow accounts, utility bill disputes and whether and how to attend scheduled court hearings. To connect with the CAP Team call the hotline at 443-703-3053. For more information about CAP or to schedule a presentation contact Project Director, Katie Davis at kdavis@probonomd.orgSee attached for more PBRC programs.

For more information, please visit our website.

Be well.

Brandi Nieland, LCSW
Director of Consumer Assistance
Maryland Office of People’s Counsel
6 St.Paul Street, Suite 2102
Baltimore, MD 21202

Donate to BBR during the upcoming holidays.

Please consider donating to the Maternal Assistance Fund during the upcoming holidays. Our Assistance fund helps women fight eviction, turn lights on and more. It is horrible to be on bedrest or not working while facing a high risk pregnancy. Every penny helps. Use the donate button on our site or mail a check to Better BedRest, PO Box 2625, Windermere, Fl. 34786. Find us on Facebook too!

CDC National Moratorium on Evictions 9/1/20

The CDC issued a national moratorium on evictions 9/1/2020. The Fair Housing Action Center of Maryland published key points on the eviction moratorium.


  • Tenants can still be evicted for other issues that don’t include nonpayment of rent.
  • All adults listed on the lease must sign, in order to be protected under the moratorium.
  • You must sign a declaration that states, among other things, that your circumstances were related to COVID, and be able to prove that if the need arises;
  • You must declare that you have sought all available funding sources to pay your back rent, including government assistance;
  • You must declare that you earn less than $99,000 annually (or $198,000 if you file taxes jointly with someone else), and;
  • You must declare that you would become homeless if you were evicted, and have no alternative housing available to you.
  • This moratorium expires December 31, 2020 unless amended.

You can find more information on their website

Are you pregnant during Covid-19?

We are going through challenging times now with Covid 19. Being pregnant during this time adds more challenges. It’s easy to let your mind wander and wonder how you will get through this. It is important to reach out for support whether it be family, friends, neighbors.  If you are one of those people that don’t have family, friends and neighbors to talk to or just need an ear other than people you know well, we are here to help. By calling 1-800-492-0618 you can can be connected with one of our BBR 211 staff that is trained to listen and provide resources as well as well as stay in touch with you weekly until you deliver. Sometimes that listening ear can provide compassion and really help you as you get through this pregnancy during this difficult time. Whatever your needs might be we are there to help. You can be anywhere in the US to reach out to us for help. Please do not suffer in silence. That is not helping you or the unborn child you carry. Remember call 1-800-492-0618 wait for the Better Bedrest prompt mailbox 4 and someone will return your call. Hang in there. You are not alone.