“Are you currently on bed rest and pregnant with twins? Researchers at the University of Iowa’s Physical Activity and Women’s Health Lab are looking to study the experiences of bed rest during twin pregnancies. If you are currently pregnant with … Continue reading
Reminding people that we have a new number. 1-800-492-0618, wait for prompt for BBR. We have wonderful staff from 211 now answering all calls. We will talk to anyone with a high risk pregnancy, working or not working, bedrest or … Continue reading
Reminding people that we have a new number. 1-800-492-0618, wait for prompt for BBR. We have wonderful staff from 211 now answering all calls. We will talk to anyone with a high risk pregnancy, working or not working, bedrest or … Continue reading
Better BedRest is working with 211MD for all calls. Trained social workers, interns and other human resources staff will address each individual call. We pride ourselves with our Maternal Assistance Fund and if eligible staff, will send contact information to … Continue reading
BBR is still celebrating. We hope you are having a great summer and will celebrate along with us. We will be having another Lularoe Fundraiser on Saturday October 12th from 1-3. Those on our Facebook page can get updated information … Continue reading
Come join in the celebration on March 10th @ The Olney Winery! 6PM-9:00 $35 tickets include 5 tastings, $3 Voucher to buy a bottle of wine, tasty food, 50/50, silent auction and more! Each ticket includes a donation to BBR. … Continue reading
2/22/18 The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is urgently seeking women who are able to travel to Baltimore for a one-hour interview. Eligible participants must have used a progestogen intervention for a pregnancy at high risk of pre-term … Continue reading
We are quickly approaching the time of year for giving. Time certainly flies! Better BedRest would love you to consider making a donation to our Emergency Grant Fund. Every year we get calls about women that have a high risk … Continue reading